The following stringent point systems were in place with the top 24 qualifying for each team.
Member of the Previous Year's Team - Automatic Qualifier
Moved to Leaside from the Village - 5 points
Has a boatrace time of less than 3 seconds - 10 points
Owns an inground swimming pool - 5 points
Bessborough address - 5 points
Hosts a major party once a year - 10 points
Can afford entry fee - Automatic Qualifier
Owns a set of golf clubs - 10 points
Can pour a half pint of Guiness down their shirt in under 5 seconds - 10 points
Backyard big enough to hold a Bar-B-Q and 1 chair - 5 points
Runs a business out of the trunk of their rental car - 5 points
Own inground Horseshoe Pit - 5 points
Parks car in shared driveway - 10 points
After the 2012 victory celebration, the Village Idiots seem to have misplaced
(LOST) the Bayview Cup. Rumours have it that it was last seen at McSorely's and was left behind by Villager Frank "The Tank" Becker.
A photo of the cup is seen below in 2011 Leaside Winning Captain Grant Bunker's hands.
Any news leading to the known whereabouts of the cup should be left on the Live Blog.
UPDATE: Well the cup was not lost...the Villagers just
"misplaced" it and it ended up in the Leaside Captain's house, secure and hidden for 364 days! It was getting small for this big time event anyway,
so a new one was procurred by 2013 Winning Leaside Captain Carl Spitzer and a hidden spot inside the new cup is the final resting place for the old cup.
Introducing the NEW Bayview Cup!
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